正阿弥 一光

Aizu Shoami Tsuba by Ikko

NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon
Published: Kokusai Tosogu Kai 2022

銘、正阿弥 一光
鉄地 、銀・金・四分一・赤銅・据紋象嵌
江戸時代中期(18 世紀)


Signed; Shoami Ikko

Gunki (War flags) motif

Tetsu-ji, gin, kin, shibuichi & shakudo suemon-zogan

Dimensions; 79.6 mm (h), 75.9 mm (w), 5.5 mm (mimi)

Circa; Mid Edo period (18th century)

A nagamaru-gata Aizu Shoami iron tsuba by Ikko (Kyoho period 1716-1736), in the theme of war flags. Ikko is ranked at the Koshu level (5th) by Wakayma and considered one of the leading craftsmen of the Aizu Shomai School. Ikko's style was that of Shomai mixed with later Umetada techniques. We can see that combination of influences clearly in this tsuba. The ryo-hitsu are both shaped like kogai-hitsu. Although not exclusive to Aizu Shoami, this is a frequent design element in their works. The kamon (family crests) are suemon-zogan and done in silver, gold, shibuichi and shakudo. The iron-ji has a dark brown patina with a hammered surface. This tsuba is representative of one of the excellent Aizu Shoami works of the mid Edo period.


