Kai Gunto Wakizashi
MEI Bizen Ju Norimune 
FORM Wakizashi
NAGASA 52.5 cm
SUGATA  Shinogi-zukuri
SORI Torii-zori
KISSAKI Extended Chu-Kissaki
MUNE Iori mune
NAKAGO CONDITION Ubu with cut jiri
NAKAGO SHAPE Standard with kirijiri 

Hamon :  Nie deki gunome midare. The nioi guchi is bright and hako midare with some togari formations are mixed in.

Boshi :  Midare komi ending in ko maru with a long return.

Kitae :  Ko itame hada with ko mokume. The jigane pattern is prominent and there is ji nie.

About this sword :   This blade was purchased in Japan from the family of the officer that owned it during WWII. This particular Naval Officer was never involved in any action. As a result, the Kai Gunto koshirae is in near mint condition. Kai Guto koshirae are sought after among collectors and we have not seen an example as nice as this one. Please look at the many photos of the koshirae below. All of the assembly numbers match and the koshirae is accompanied by the original rank tassel. The rayskin covered saya has been preserved under the leather combat cover and the gilding on the metal components remains in wonderful condition. The antique gold foil "falling rain" habaki is also included

The blade is in old polish and has blemishes and surface rust. The nakago bears the mei "Bizen Ju Norimune". This blade has not been submitted to shinsa and additional research is needed to determine the authenticity of the mei. There are 8 Bizen smiths that used the mei of Norimune listed in the Meikan (pages 752-753 ) A summery is as follows :

1st - 3rd Norimune Fukuoka Ichimonji Norimune,

These three generations all signed as nijimei : "Norimune" ( Note : Fujishiro mentions in the Koto Hen that the shodai also used "Bizen Ju Norimune" Fujishiro lists no information on the other generations )

Norimune was the son of Kagehide, Kamakura jidai, signed as "Bishu Osafune Norimune", (1319-1321)

Norimune signed as "Bizen Kuni Osafune Ju Norimune", Oei (1394-1428)

Norimune signed as "Bishu Osafune Norimune", (1452-1455)

Norimune signed as Norimune(nijimei) and "Bishu Osafune Norimune", Bunmei (1469 -1487),

Norimune signed as "Bishu Osafune Norimune" and "Bizen Ju Norimune" Tenbun (1532-1555)

Based on the sugata and style of this sword along with the mei of "Bizen Ju Norimune", we feel a possibility that it may be a work of the Tenbun era (1532 - 1555) Norimune. The Tenbun Norimune is also listed in Kawaguchi's Toko Soran as well as Hawleys book. This Norimune is a minor smith and his work would not be a typical target of gimei.

The workmanship of the blade is good. It has a well forged itame jigane with nie deki gunome midare hamon and the boshi has lots of nie activity. The nagako is ubu at the machi, although the nakago jiri has been cut. There is one area where old some rust was cleaned off the ji and there is some small ware there. Please look at the photos for full details. There are no fatal flaws in the blade. Again, the blade has no paper and we can not offer any guarantee of future shinsa result.

This is an antique blade with a handsome, near mint condition Kai Gunto koshirae. Overall a wonderful piece of history and important to preserve.

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