Iron Sukashi Tsuba
Late Muromachi Period

Dimensions: 69 mm x 67 mm
Thickness: 6mm

An iron sukashi Kanayama school tsuba. This dates to the late Muromachi period. This shows the thick mimi and dished seppa dai of Owari area woks. It has tekkotsu that consists of both the granular variety as well as larger formations on the mimi. This is the typical size and shape one expects for Kanayama and it shows the simple and pleasing symmetric balance that this group liked to use. The motif is that of geese and weights. NBTHK Hozon paper to "Den Kanayama". This comes with an exceptional kiri bako with a custom made seppa dai stand and interior. It was hand made to fit the nakago-ana of this tsuba exactly. It also has a lovely exterior cloth bag with an ivory hook. This bag was custom made from vintage material to fit the box exactly. Tsuba like this are what collecting is all about.


