Mino GendaitoPublished anonymously with the author's permission.美濃現代刀IntroductionThere is
booming interest among sword collectors towards gendaito in recent years.
Gendaito made in the Background It is the
author's belief that the shinshinto smith, Kaneyoshi, 兼吉,
played an important role in the establishment and education of gendaito in the The
List Watanabe
Kanenaga, 渡辺兼永, Noshu Seki ju Watanabe Kanenaga
saku, Mino Seki ju Watanabe Kanenaga kore saku, student of Zenjou Kaneyoshi,
Established the Watanabe Kanenaga Nihonto forging institute 日本刀鍜錬塾 in Showa 12. Received the title of
"the head master of Japanese sword smiths" 日本刀匠総帥 in April Showa 15. His style of
work is mainly Kanekuni, 兼国,
Noshu Seki ju Kanekuni saku, student of Zenjou Kaneyoshi, succeeded Kaneyoshi
to be the second president of the Token Tanrensho in Seki, He was born in
December Meiji 6 and died on 14 July Showa 14. Kanenaga, 兼永,
Noshu ju Nara Tairo Fujiwara Kanenaga, inventor of the "Sutenresu to"
and a skillful engraver, He was born in April Meiji 20 and died in August Showa
18. Kaneaki, 兼明,
Noshu ju Kuriyama Kaneaki saku, Army smith, student of Watanabe Kanenaga, He
was born in December Meiji 21 and died in August Showa 41. Kanefusa, 兼房,
Fujiwara Kanefusa saku, Fujiwara Kanefusa, He's the 23rd generation of the
first Kanefusa in Muromachi jidai. Worked in the style of "Kanefusa
midare" (兼房乱れ), a family tradition. He was born
in February Meiji 23. Kaneshige,
兼重, Noshu ju nin Morida Kaneshige saku, Army smith,
student of Mizuda Kunishige, used an early mei of Kanemasa, changed to
Kaneshige in Showa 11, He was born in November Meiji 33. Kanemichi,
兼道, Noshu Seki ju Kanemichi saku kore, Noshu Seki ju
Koshima Kanemichi saku kore, Army smith, student of Zenjou Kaneyoshi, Koshima
Katsumasa and Watanabe Kanenaga, early mei was Kanetoki, He was born in July
Meiji 35 and had many students. Akikane, 昭兼,
Akikane, Noshu Shizu Akikane, Minamoto Munefusa, Noshu Shizu ju nin Minamoto
Mitsukane saku, student of Kanefusa and Kurihara Akihide, He was born in Meiji
35. Kanenobu, 兼延,
Noshu ju Niwa Kanenobu, Army smith, second son of Kanenobu, 兼信,
He started to learn sword making from his father at age 12. He's also an excellent
engraver. His works are ko-itame with strong ji-nie, wide suguha and ko-notare
with ko-nie. He was born in April Meiji 36 and appointed as Important Culture
property of Kanenori, 兼則,
Noshu Seki ju Kanenori saku kore, Kanenori, Army smith, brother of Kanemichi,
He was born in Meiji 40. Kanehide, 兼秀,
Noshu ju Kanehide, Noshu Seki ju Kanehide saku, Noshu ju Kanehide kore saku,
Noshu Seki ju Kanehide kore saku, Army smith, He started as a student of the
12th generation Kawashima Masahide in Showa 3. Went to Seki to study under
Watanabe Kanenaga in Showa 12. Left Kanenaga's institute in December Showa 15
and joined the Seki Token Corporation 関鍜冶株式会社 in February Showa 16. He re-opened
his forging business in the spring of Showa 29. He was born in August Taisho 2
in Masafusa, 正房,
Masafusa, Army smith, student of Kanefusa, Joined the Seki Token Company in
Showa 17. He was born in Taisho 5. Kaneyoshi,
兼吉, Kaneyoshi saku, Navy smith, younger brother of
Kanehide, He was born in Taisho 10 and died in Showa 41. Takao, 孝雄,
Fujiwara Takao, Fujiwara Takao saku, son and student of Kanefusa, He was born
in Taisho 11. Kanemasa, 兼正,
Kanemasa, student of Morida Kaneshige, brother of Yoshida Masaaki, He was born
in February Taisho 12. Kanemoto, 兼元,
Kanemoto, 27th generation Kanemoto, Navy smith, student of Watanabe Kanenaga,
He was born in January Taisho 13. Kanetoki, 兼時,
Seki ju Kanetoki saku kore, Noshu Seki ju Kanetoki saku kore, Seki ju Fujiwara
Kanetoki, Navy smith, son of Kanemichi, student of Watanabe Kanenaga's forging
institute, He was born in September Taisho 14. Kanenari, 兼成,
Kanenari saku, Seki ju Kanenari saku, Noshu Seki ju Kanenari saku, Navy smith,
decendent of Shinshinto Goto Kanenari, student of Watanabe Kanenaga's forging
institute, He was born in March Taisho 15. Akihira, 昭平,
Noshu ju Akihira, student of Kanenobu, He was born in Showa 2. This is
not Yukihira 行平. Kanetaka, 兼高,
Kanetaka, Mino Kuni Seki ju Kanetaka saku kore, student of Watanabe Kanenaga's
forging institute, He was born in September Showa 3 and started to make swords
in Showa 17 at age 14. The names
listed above are among the most skilled Two million Yen is also the highest rating given to the very best Yasukuni jinja 靖国神社 smiths by Tokunou Kazuo 得能一男. There were only two of them, Yasutake 靖武 and Yasumitsu 靖光. None of the Minatogawa jinja 湊川神社 smiths received ratings as high as this. Reference
books are useful in providing general guide lines of sword collecting. But,
there are more exceptions than absolute rules in this interest. The final judgment
of a blade is the combination of these two factors. Due to the
generosity of fellow collectors, the author was able to study two outstanding
gendaito. The following is the description of these two blades respectively. An
Example by Watanabe Kanenaga This is a
katana in graceful shape by Kanenaga in traditional Sugata: Shinoji-zukuri, 27 7/16" nagasa,
koshizori with uchi-zori, funbari, narrow
shinogi-ji and high shinoji, iore-mune. Kissaki: Chu-kissaki. Boshi: Sugu, ko-maru, tiger-tail kaeri. Ji-hada: Tight itame with distinct masame
centrally, strong ji-nie. Condition: Polished by Robert Benson in 1995. A
Two-Stamp This is a
katana by Kanehide in Bizen style. Sugata:
Shinoji-zukuri, 26" nagasa,
koshi-zori, 0.7" sori, thick & slightly high shinoji, 1 1/4" at hamachi
and 7/8" at yokote, niku presents. Kissaki: Chu-kissaki. Boshi: Sugu with ko-maru in nioi, little turn-back, a hint of san-saku Hamon:Nioi based midare choji with long ashi and
saka-ashi throughout. Uniform
sized ko-nie inside ashi shows complete control of the smith. And a 1" long kinsugi
in monouchi on ura side. Ji-hada: Very tight itame mixed with mokume and
strong frosty ji-nie is showing. The hada in shinoji-ji is also visible as tight
itame mixed with mokume. It
doesn't have masame in shinoji-ji. Condition: It's in a typical WWII polish. There are some
rust spots that had been cleaned. There is no saya or any mounts, just a
bare blade.
This blade
is particularly interesting because its two types of stamps. The general belief
is that the star stamp on nakago means a true Nihonto and the Seki stamp means
non-traditionally made. The Seki stamp on this blade is 5/64 square inch, much
smaller than a regular Seki stamp. This might be the Seki Token Corporation's
trademark or accepting stamp.
Update :
As a result of this article, a fellow collector has kindly loaned me a Kanehide to photograph and document that is very similar to the one described above. It is of excellent workmanship and bears a star stamp as well as a small seki stamp. Please click here to read the description and view photos of this Kanehide.
Update # 2: As a result of this article, a fellow collector as pointed out that the small seki stamp was used on blades issued from the Seki arsenal. The star stamp is the general army inspection/acceptance stamp used on blades made by contract by Rikugun Jumei Tosho. The large seki stamp was the seki version of the sho stamp signifying a non-traditionally made blade.
References: 1. Tokotaikan,
Tokunou Kazuo 2. Nihonto
Kantei Hitsukei, Fukunaga Suiken 3. Gendai
Toko Meikan, Oono Tadashi 4. Nihonto
Jiten, Fujishiro Yoshio 5. Shinshinto
Taikan, Iimura Yoshiaki |