Owari Iron Sukashi
Early Edo Period
NTHK Kanteisho

Dimensions: 79 mm x 78 mm
Thickness: 5.5mm

This is an Owari katana sized tsuba from the Early Edo period. Circa 1600-1650. This is a strong work with bold sukashi. It features the Matsukawa mon and geese. Clear Owari traits such as the symmetrical balance of the design, the shape of the seppa-dai and the patina of the iron are a joy to study. It comes with a custom-made kiri bako. This has a fitted seppa-dai stand. It was hand-made to fit the nakago-ana of this tsuba. It also has a lovely exterior cloth bag with an ivory hook. This tsuba received an NTHK (NPO) kanteisho paper at the 2016 Tampa shinsa to early Edo Owari. A fine and large example of Owari workmanship with a custom made box and a NTHK paper.
