This a large katana tsuba by the Tanaka Toryusai school. The workmanship of this tsuba is excellent. This displays classic kantei points of the Toryusai style. The central design is framed in an abstract and flowing border. This is repeated around the mimi. The nakago-ana sekigane are in the "full lip" shape, which is the textbook method of the Toryusai school. The manner in which the silver moon is inlaid in the clouds is also often seen in Toryusai work. The detail and artistry in this tsuba shows a skilled hand. Note the fine hairs carved into the monkey's body. Also, the monkey's eyes are inlaid in a slightly different color gold compound than the body. This detail creates contrast and depth in the face of the figure. The foliage and bloom in the monkeys hand are realistically rendered as are the fingers and toes of the monkey. Shakudo mushrooms with gold and silver moss are finely executed. The vine decoration of the shakudo-hitsu sekigane balances the visual weight of the design elements. The overall harmony of the design and craftsmanship of the work make this Toryusai tsuba a joy to study. This is accompanied by an NBTHK Hozon paper that attributes it to the Toryusai school. It also comes with a custom fitted kiri-bako. Note how the central stand is molded to fit this tsuba exactly. A classic example of early Toryusai work that we are delighted to recommend.