An exquisite Meiji period urushi five layer box. This is a wonderful example of Japanese craftsmanship. It features a lovely gold maki-e ground with abalone inlay of birds on the lid and sides with waves done in gold lacquer. This box was most likely custom ordered by a wealthy family for their daughter’s wedding presentation and used to house her personal items, such as letters, brushes, combs, etc. A previous owner laid loose cloth textiles on the bottom of each section and then used this box to store fine tosogu. It works wonderfully for this purpose. The corners retain their original copper brackets and the box is in excellent condition overall. Some minor marks on the surface of the urushi can be seen on the sides. It comes with a high quality custom fitted Paulownia wood box. This box is a treasure in and of itself and would be a fantastic addition to any high-end collection of Japanese Antiques.