A wonderful set of Kaga Goto solid gold menuki. The Kaga Goto school are works made by Shirobei (mainline) Goto Tokujo (5th), Kenjo (7th) and Teijo (9th) while in Kaga. They served the powerful Madea Daimyo there. Sokujo was also part of the Kaga Goto School under Teijo, who was his mentor after the death of his father, Eijo. Kenjo traveled back and forth from Kaga to Kyoto regularly and thus the transmission of technique and skill between the groups was well sustained. Kantei experts separate these works from the Kyoto mainline based on tagane mannerisms and stylistic notes. The quality of Kaga Goto work is typically outstanding, equal to Kyo Goto, as with the example at hand. Circa Momoyama - early Edo period.
The theme of this set is "Ryusui ni Sagi no Zu" or "Heron in Running water". The carving of the heron's feathers and facial details are outstanding. There are many sukashi elements and the workmanship is exacting overall. Katachi-bori and solid gold. A tall design and with thick walls. Accompanied by a custom fitted kiri bako with pillow and a NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon paper. An ideal example and especially in the company of Kyo Goto for advanced study and appreciation.